Pathways are important

Imagine this. You’ve done the research, been to the Open Days, found your dream course, got the results you need to get in and then you get offered a place! This is obviously the ideal scenario, and I honestly hope that it’s what happens for you. But, whether you end up needing them or not, looking at different options and pathways can not only be helpful if you need another way to get into your dream course, but it can also give you more insight into what you actually want to do.

Remove some of the pressure

So I think it’s really important when you start researching to not only look at options that you think you will definitely get into. The reality is that you don’t know your results yet so there’s no point limiting yourself for no reason. However, if you have looked at pathways to get into your dream course if you don’t meet the requirements to get in the first time, and you have looked at different options that are similar to your dream course, then it will take away some of the pressure you’re feeling around getting a particular result. Instead of being the be all and end all, it shows you that if you need to, there are other ways to get to where you want to go.

Your Dream Career Roadmap
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Your Dream Career Roadmap

Don’t settle. 

You deserve to have an amazing career.

Let’s work out what it looks like and how you’re going to get there, no matter what results you get.

Together we’ll discuss your interests, strengths and options, get clear on what you’d like to pursue, and research tertiary courses and pathways so that when results are released you know exactly which pathway you can take to get where you want to go.

And you’ll have everything you need to figure it out in just a few weeks.


Be prepared for making decisions later

Some students make a preference list filled with courses that only have really high ATARs as a requirement, knowing that they have the option of changing their preferences once they get their results. And they’re not wrong - there will be opportunities to change things around later, so you can choose to cross that bridge when you come to it.

The main problem with this approach is that you’re likely to be highly emotional if you don’t get the results you were hoping for and at the same time you have to make important decisions about your future. On top of this, you might find it difficult to get the help you need to ask questions about courses during the short change of preference period. Save yourself the unnecessary heartache by spending a little bit of time now to have some back up courses (either in your preference list or written down ready for you to look at later) that you think you would enjoy and/or would be a good eventual pathway for you, even if they’re not your absolute dream course.

Finding options that help you clarify what you want

The best reason to look at different options that are similar to your dream uni course, is that you might work out that there’s actually something slightly different that you would prefer to do. Maybe you were thinking of medicine and then you see midwifery or paramedicine and think they would actually be really interesting. Maybe you’ve got your heart set on commerce and then you research business courses and realise that’s really what you wanted in the first place. Or maybe the same course at a different university has an awesome internship program or travel opportunity as part of the course. 

Taking the time now to do a little extra research and plan some different options for you  is definitely worth it. Having more information can only help you make a better decision for your future.

Do you want to get clear about your options but don’t have time to do the research? I’m here to do it FOR you! Check out Your PERFECT Preference List for all the details.
