The VTAC Process From Here
Updated 13th January 2023
Here’s a wrap up of the important dates and events that are coming up so that you know what to expect and what you need to do at each point over the next couple of months.
The January round of offers will be released on January 13th. Most of the offers are made in the December round and this one. If you accepted an offer in the December round, and you receive another one in this round, you need to decide which one you want to pursue. If you want your second offer more than your original one, accept the new offer and follow the instructions in your original offer email or contact student services at the uni or TAFE for that course to reject the first one.
If you have received at least one offer in these 2 rounds, make sure you’ve accepted one at this point as less offers are made in the next few rounds and you don’t want to be left without a place if you can help it. Even if you don’t have an offer for your dream course, you can start your tertiary study in another course and work on transferring across next semester or next year.
If you don’t have an offer yet at this point, rethink your preferences for the next round. Look at similar courses at other institutions, or a course at the uni or TAFE where you want to study, depending on what your priority is. Take into account the clearly-in ATARs from previous years to ensure that there are courses on your preference list that you’re more likely to get into.
After the offers are released, you will have about a week to change your preferences around again leading into the next round of offers.
The next round of offers will be released on February 1st.
There are more rounds of offers (called supplementary offers) in the weeks after this, but you will only be considered for them if you have opted in to them in your VTAC account. Supplementary offers are for students who have not received an offer in the first two rounds, and mean that universities and TAFEs with courses similar to the ones on your preference list can reach out to you if they have places to offer.
All of this can be confusing, so if you have any questions please reach out!