Your VCE Roadmap

Does understanding how VCE works and trying to choose the right subjects give you a headache?  

Find out exactly which subjects you need to keep you on track for an amazing career.

Together we’ll plan your pathway through VCE and look ahead at your options for further study so that you can start to get excited about life beyond school.

And you’ll have your roadmap sorted out in just a few weeks.

If you’re like most of the families I work with, getting your head around VCE - how it all works and how to maximise your chances of success - feels almost impossible.

There’s so many new terms and acronyms to understand, as well as making sense of the process and knowing what subjects open doors for a great career.

What if I told you that in two weeks’ time you could have total clarity on how it works, what’s important (so that you can ignore the noise), and you could confidently choose the right VCE subjects for you, knowing that they’ll lead to a course and career you’ll love?


In just a couple of weeks you’ll go from overwhelmed and confused to prepared and excited about your future.

Your VCE Roadmap consists of 3 simple steps:


     I’ll help you uncover your strengths and interests by asking you simple questions about school, work, extracurricular activities and how you like to spend your spare time. Together, we’ll get to the heart of what lights you up and create a picture of what your career could look like, inspiring you to look forward to life beyond school.


    While you get back to living your life, I’ll go away and research tertiary courses and pathways that will lead to careers that match your interests and strengths, creating a detailed document with links to course information and opportunities to learn more, with a focus on prerequisites and VCE subjects that will help you explore these areas further. I’ll also contact institutions where required to clarify pathways and processes to ensure you’re getting the most up-to-date, reliable information. 


    I’ll share the document with you and we’ll discuss the options you have so you can see which subjects you should choose to keep your options open for the types of courses you might be interested in, while also having an eye to the future. This document will have EVERYTHING you need to make an informed decision about VCE subjects as well as giving you great insights into your options beyond school.


Over just a few weeks, we’ll have:

  • A 15-30 minute discovery call with your parent or guardian to find out more about your situation, answer any questions about the process, and discuss any ideas or concerns they have about VCE and tertiary study.

  • A 45-60 minute online session with you to find out more about you and get to the heart of what you are looking for in your future career (even if you’re not sure what you want yet).

  • A 45-60 minute online session with you (and a parent or guardian if they’d like to join the discussion) where I report back about the opportunities and pathways that are worth considering and we create your roadmap through VCE to your dream career.


This is for you if:

  • You’re in Year 9 or Year 10 and think you want to pursue further study at a university or TAFE beyond VCE.

  • You want to get a better understanding of your options so you can make informed choices about what you’d like to do next.

  • You want clarity and direction so you can get excited and confident about your future.

This is not for you if:

  • You’re not studying in Victoria (unfortunately I don’t have the experience of subjects in other states to give you the clarity you need).

  • You’re close-minded about your options.

  • You’re looking for a magic wand to get you an ATAR of 99.95 and not interested in actually thinking about what YOU want to do in VCE and beyond.

Let’s do this

Interested in finding out more? Fill in the form below and I’ll be in touch for a no-obligation chat about how I can support you.

Why work with me?

Hi! My name’s Kim, and I’m a teacher and career counsellor who helps high school students (and parents) just like you get clarity and direction around your next steps beyond school so you can feel genuinely excited about your future.

I believe that there’s an amazing career out there for you. All you need is:

  • Clarity around what you actually want

  • A roadmap to show you how to get there

It’s what I didn’t have when I was in Year 12, and so I know what it feels like to not know what you want to do or even where to start, all the while keeping up with school so you can get the results you need to have some options.

It took me two and a half years to get back on track and moving in the direction I wanted, and I can help you avoid making the same mistakes so you’re on your way to your dream career from the beginning.

When you choose to invest with me, you know you’re getting my undivided attention, time and expertise as we uncover exciting pathways to your dream course and career.

I can’t wait for you to see all of the options available to you and to help you choose a pathway that feels amazing.  

Here’s what parents and students have to say about working with me:



Q: How much does Your VCE Roadmap cost?

A: Your VCE Roadmap costs $347 and will give you complete peace of mind as we map out your next steps through VCE and beyond school.

Q: I have a career teacher at school. Can’t I just do this with her for free?

A: Most of the school careers teachers I know are super passionate about what they do, extremely knowledgeable…and completely overwhelmed trying to do as much as they can for their students while also keeping up with enormous amounts of paperwork. Between organising work experience, helping with subject selection for every Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 student, and meeting with all the Year 12s to discuss tertiary applications, there’s not a lot of extra time to really help you explore your options. When you choose to invest with me, you know you’re getting my undivided attention, time and expertise as we uncover exciting pathways to your dream course and career.

Q: I’m not in Victoria. Can you help me?

It depends. If you are looking for someone to help you choose your school subjects, then I recommend you try to find someone local who is more familiar with the secondary school system and subjects in your state or territory. If you are looking ahead to tertiary study and want to explore your options for study in Australia, then I would love to help you! Check out Your Dream Career Roadmap for more information.

Q: When will the online sessions happen?

A: At a time that suits you. I recognise that this is a process that requires some input from both students and parents or guardians, and that means that often these conversations can happen more easily out of normal working hours or on the weekend. We’ll discuss what suits you best and organise a time together.

Q: I’m in! How do we get started?

A: Easy! Fill in the form above and I’ll be in touch to find out more about your needs, discuss how I can help, and make sure we’re a good fit.

Q: How are payments and refunds handled?

A: Once your parent or guardian and I have had a no-obligation chat and you’ve decided to go ahead, we’ll organise a time for your first online session and I’ll send a link for payment. Payments are made via credit or debit card through my website and must be made before the final session where the report and findings are presented. Due to the personalised nature of this service, this final session will not go ahead until payment is received. If you cancel before the final session and have already paid, a refund will be granted at the discretion of Roadmap Education. We don’t provide refunds for payments already made after the final session has been completed unless required by the Australian Consumer Law.